31 research outputs found

    An Application of the PDT-scheme to a Parallel Treebank

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    Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. Editors: Koenraad De Smedt, Jan Hajič and Sandra Kübler. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 1 (2007), 163-174. © 2007 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/4476

    Using Parallel Texts and Lexicons for Verbal Word Sense Disambiguation

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    We present a system for verbal Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) that is able to exploit additional information from parallel texts and lexicons. It is an extension of our previous WSD method, which gave promising results but used only monolingual features. In the follow-up work described here, we have explored two additional ideas: using English-Czech bilingual resources (as features only - the task itself remains a monolingual WSD task), and using a 'hybrid' approach, adding features extracted both from a parallel corpus and from manually aligned bilingual valency lexicon entries, which contain subcategorization information. Albeit not all types of features proved useful, both ideas and additions have led to significant improvements for both languages explored

    Čitelnost města - Tvorba veřejných prostorů

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    Dissertation thesis Legibility of the city and creation of public enviroments is urban-architectural study on certain space in Nový Jičín. Selected space was choosen thoroughly and was supported by the method of mental mapping and by the answers of interviewed individuals. Selected enviroment bears great potential, which is currently not fulfilled. These are unutilized, in some cases impassable spaces with highlighted automobile traffic and many other issues that are dealt with in the study. The enviroment is in study approached with invention and great care to create better standart of living and architecturally interesting space. The study reacts on problems in selected area and offers solutions. There is a greenway designed along the shore that enables padestrian interconnection from one part of city all the way to historic center. Futhermore there is an approach to wather surface designed and realization of architectural study on building construction in the area of Dolní brána. Main objective of the study is to create urban enviroment that would fulfill its purpose and was used in context with the main idea of thy study

    Verbal Valency in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective

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    Verbal Valency in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective Jana Šindlerová Abstract In the thesis, we look upon differences in argument structure of verbs considering the Czech language and the English language. In the first part, we describe the process of building the CzEngVallex lexicon. In the second part, based on the aligned data of the Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank, we compare the valencies of verbal translation equivalents and comment of their differences. We classify the differences according to their underlying causes. The causes can be based in the linguistic structure of the languages, they can include translatological reasons, or they can be grounded in the character of the descriptive linguistic theory used

    Hlásili to v rozhlase aneb vzájemné mapování lokace a aktoru v dvojjazyčném závislostním korpusu

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    V příspěvku se zabýváme jedním typem strukturní odlišnosti mezi českými a anglickými paralelnímivětami v dvojjazyčném korpusu PCEDT, konkrétně vzájemným mapováním valenčníchdoplnění aktorového typu a  (nevalenčních) lokačních doplnění. Toto nestandardní mapovánízpůsobuje v paralelních závislostních datech asymetrie dvojího typu, jednak prostý nesoulad tektogramatickýchznaček, tzv. funktorů, a jednak konflikt korespondujícího slovníkového mapovánía reálného nekorespondujícího mapování v datech. V případě sloves komunikace pak nesouladtěchto funktorů zasahuje interpretaci zdroje předávané informace, což je jedna z klíčových rolív analýze sentimentu. Analýzou korpusových příkladů ukazujeme, do jaké míry se na rozdílechve valenci sloves v překladově ekvivalentních větách podílejí jazykově specifické syntakticko-sé-mantické preference konkrétních slov na pozicích subjektu a predikátu a jak je toto mapováníovlivněno vzájemnou souhrou těchto preferencí, větné diateze a sémantického principu potlačeníagentu ve větné struktuře.The paper documents one type of structural difference between Czech and English parallel sentencesin the parallel Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank, the mutual alignment of valency participants of the “Actor” type and free modifications of the „Location“ type. This non-standardalignment causes two types of structural asymmetry in the data: the functor mismatch, i.e. the differencein participant labelling, and the conflict of the alignment stored as default in the valency lexiconand the real alignment in the data. In the case of communication verbs, the functor mismatchof the aligned participants influences the interpretation of the Source of information, which is oneof the key roles to be identified within the Sentiment Analysis. In the analysis based on corpus examples,we present our opinion that these differences originate in the interplay of various means ofagent demoting, language specific preferences for filling in the position of subject and predicate ofa sentence and sentence diathesis.627

    Suggestion form implementation of auditing due to needs of the car sellers and service

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    Práce se věnuje rozebrání připravenosti autoservisů a autosalonu na zavedení auditu dle norem ISO.Katedra dopravních prostředkůDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    The structure of coordination in a dependency description: with special attention to the coordination of unlike categories

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    In this work, theoretical aspects of a descriptive approach to the coordination of unlike categories are studied. According to the theory the author adopts, the so called Functional Generative Description, the different semantic values of coordinated nodes in a dependency tree (called fimctors) are referred to as unlike categories. The author offers constraints (of a kind) for generating coordinative structures with unlike categories. These constraints are based on the relation between a functor and its dominating verb with respect to the valency structure of the verb. The core of the theory is the fact that a coordination of an argument position and an adjunct position is forbidden as a rule. Considering the proposed constraints, a decision is made, which of the possible structures are to be represented as direct phrasal coordinations and which of them as coordinations on the level of the dominating verb. With respect to the aims of the work, the author submits her own proposal for categorisation of coordinative constructions according to the valency properties of the coordinated positions. The work aspires to uproot the established opinion that basically there are no syntactic rule s for the coordination of unIi ke categories

    Zahradně architektonické úpravy obytných a pěších zón

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    This Bachelor's thesis deals with residential areas and pedestrian precincts and their use and realization in a city. The thesis is composed of two fundamental parts -- textual matter and practical. In the first part was studied available literature and were visited residential areas and pedestrian precincts in the cities of European stature -- Budapest, Wien, Krakow and domestic cities -- Prague and Brno. From these visited zones were deduced subjective findings which were compared with objective findings and finally led to information about transport, infrastructure, amount and position of vegetative components, furniture and car parks. These findings were applied by the author of the thesis during the author's plan in the chosen city -- Novy Jicin. The second part is focused on practical application of gained subjective and objective information from the first part in real city street. The city Novy Jicin was selected for the practical application as the city with great potential to the future. There were made analysis of Novy Jicin and analysis of its streets -- Husova and Novellara. Both streets are projected and more specifically elaborated in a ground plan, section view, axonometry and perspectives